
  • M. Badashkeev Regional State Budgetary Healthcare Institution "Bokhan District Hospital", Bokhan settlement
  • E. Shoboev Regional State Budgetary Healthcare Institution "Bokhan District Hospital", Bokhan settlement



ischemic stroke, cognitive functions, rehabilitation treatment, neuroprotection, pharmacotherapy, combined neuroprotection.


In our clinical study, we consider the features of combined neuroprotection in the rehabilitation treatment of patients with ischemic stroke. Modern world medicine quite often encounters cerebrovascular diseases, which are one of the most pressing problems of modern neurology, given the high prevalence of this pathology in the population. In most modern medical scientific works in the rehabilitation treatment of post-stroke patients, it is characterized by the introduction of combined neuroprotection, this approach, in our opinion, is the most effective in the rehabilitation treatment of patients. In our study, we prioritize the combined pharmacotherapy "Citicoline" in combination with the drug "Cortexin" as a priority in rehabilitation treatment. Thus, the aim of our study is the effectiveness of the combined pharmacotherapy "Citicoline" and "Cortexin" in the rehabilitation treatment of patients after ischemic stroke. In the course of the clinical study, we analyzed the obtained statistical data, which also confirm the effectiveness of the combined neuroprotection of citicoline and cortexin in restorative treatment in the rehabilitation period of ischemic stroke.

Author Biographies

M. Badashkeev , Regional State Budgetary Healthcare Institution "Bokhan District Hospital", Bokhan settlement

Cand. ped. Sci., psychologist

E. Shoboev , Regional State Budgetary Healthcare Institution "Bokhan District Hospital", Bokhan settlement



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