
  • A. Isahanova Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov, Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan
  • A. Musataeva Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov, Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan


psychological barriers, language barrier, foreign language, strategies, active methods, types of activities.


The article is devoted to the consideration of the concept of "Psychological barrier", its role in the process of teaching a foreign language. The psychological barrier is considered as one of the main reasons for the difficulty of learning a foreign language. Information about the types of psychological barriers that arise in the course of learning a foreign language is reflected, the reasons for their occurrence are considered, and strategies for overcoming psychological barriers in the course of learning are proposed. The most important competence for student is the formation of a strategy for overcoming the psychological barrier. Overcoming psychological barriers is the inner work of the student himself, associated with the mobilization of internal resources, as well as the creation of conditions by the teacher of a foreign language that contribute to the formation of a value attitude to the subject. The conditions and factors that influence their occurrence in the course of training, as well as ways to prevent psychological barriers in modern education, are considered. The importance of the study of psychological barriers in the modern educational environment is determined. We offer active methods of work, types of activities that can influence their overcoming. The progress of students largely depends on a number of technologies used by the teacher. In conclusion, the results of the study conducted to study the conditions of their occurrence are presented, and the importance of creating a favorable atmosphere during training is emphasized


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