
  • G. Taisheva
  • E. Ismagilova
  • E. Salikova ChOU VO Kazan Innovative University named after V.G. Timiryasov




optimization, logistics, production, analysis, parallel-sequential view


This article discusses the optimization process in a manufacturing enterprise, based on the use of types of transfer of labor items in the production process. This analysis allows you to reduce the production cycle of the product and, accordingly, reduce the costs associated with the production of the product. 

Author Biographies

G. Taisheva

Doctor of Economics, Professor

E. Ismagilova

Senior Lecturer, Department of "Logistics"

E. Salikova, ChOU VO Kazan Innovative University named after V.G. Timiryasov

Student in the direction "Logistics and supply chain management"


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