
  • E. Dyakonov South Russian State Polytechnic University (SRSPU)
  • V. Mikhailov OJSC Krasny Kotelshchik
  • N. Usikov South Russian State Polytechnic University (SRSPU)



boiler plant, fuel, technical specification, thermal diagram, prototype, design methods


The paper considers the main stages of the development of boiler plants and methods of their design, the influence of general scientific information on thermodynamics, physics and chemistry on the design characteristics of boiler plants. It is shown that the design should take into account the properties of the combusted fuel, the operating conditions of the boilers. The development of normative design methods is described. A brief description of modern design methods using specialized software and high-performance computers is given. The ways of further development of design methods are outlined.

Author Biographies

E. Dyakonov , South Russian State Polytechnic University (SRSPU)

Vice-rector of YRSPU named after M. I. Platova, head Department  of TPP and E, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph. D.),

 Associate Professor, Department of Thermal Power Plants

V. Mikhailov , OJSC Krasny Kotelshchik

Engineering Director

N. Usikov , South Russian State Polytechnic University (SRSPU)

 Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph. D.), Associate Professor, 

Department of Thermal Power Plants


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