
  • V. Etkin Togliatti State University (RF, Togliatti)


space, gravity and repulsion, gravitational forces and energy, evolution and involution, collapse and big bang


In the article, on the basis of the modified law of gravitation and the principle of counterdirectionality of nonequilibrium processes, the inevitability of the simultaneous occurrence in the same regions of the Universe in the structured (baryonic) and involution processes in the non-baryonic (unstructured) phase of its matter, accompanied by their interconversion, is substantiated. The specifics of these transformations, energy sources and their driving forces, the advantages of interpretation from the standpoint of the wave theory of the structure of matter are revealed and a conclusion is made about the primacy of the gravitational form of energy, the existence of "strong" gravity, gravitational repulsive forces, gravikinetic energy, gravitational equilibrium , graviacoustic waves, gravitational collapse, etc. Data are presented that confirm these predictions

Author Biography

V. Etkin , Togliatti State University (RF, Togliatti)

Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof.


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