
  • K. Zhampeisovа Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University




crisis, higher education, crisis of higher education, contradictions, educational process of higher education


In this work, the problem of the crisis of higher education in the world educational process is actualized. The significance of this problem demanded from the author a comprehensive analysis of the literature, which reveals the essence of the phenomenon under study. The paper speaks of the inappropriateness of the representation of the higher education system as being in deep crisis. The characteristic features of modern society are revealed, which testify to the opposite.

The role of higher education is presented as the main source of the development of intelligence, the intellectual potential of a person, outside of which scientific and technological progress would be impossible. It is argued that there is no crisis in the higher education system, there are permanently arising contradictions (the driving forces of the development of nature, society and man) that require their systemic resolution. The need to improve the psychological, pedagogical and methodological culture of a teacher of higher education as significant components in the structure of their personality is noted


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