
  • I. Filippov Administration of the Head of the Chuvash Republic



youth, leadership, state, youth leader, leadership potential


Developing leadership qualities in young people is ever increasing globally, a process which until now has not been critically analyzed. Leadership is believed to be so widely spread in the career and occupation discourse that developing leadership among the youth opens up unparalleled opportunities in new youth policy efforts, leadership development industry and multifaceted theoretical research of leadership. While researchers of youth leadership note suspended and individual types of discourse, we give them a more precise definition and offer the remaining three (small, independent and semi-independent) as significant for the account of interconnections between leaders, leadership and leadership development. It is necessary to answer the question if the current development of youth leadership creates a substantial leadership potential among individuals, organizations or society.  

The article provides a region’s example of the Best Practice personnel training, developing leadership skills, establishing public, collegiate and consultative councils for decision making and building cooperation between the legislature and executive authorities of the Chuvash Republic. 

The changing nature and ways of developing leadership competences have unveiled new exciting horizons and prospects as well as practical application opportunities for youth policies which will remain an important theme for researchers, politicians and youth officers. 


Decree of the Head of the Chuvash Republic dated February 20 , 2020 No. 49

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