
  • U. Fedorenko Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service


China, CPC, Xi Jinping, reforms, political system, political concepts, ideology, Chinese model, China’s diplomatic theory, concept of comprehensive national security, innovative diplomatic theories


The communique of 5th plenary session of 19th CPC Central Committee, where China marked a new period for the country's internal and external diplomacy, can be considered as a new beginning in the development of Chinese strategy. Chinese President Xi Jinping concluded that the future world order of the new decade, in the Chinese understanding, should correspond to China's national interests and values as much as possible. The article explains that the contemporary world is undergoing great changes: the balance of international powers is entering the new epoch. Peace and development continue to be the main hot topic of this rising era. The concept of the “Community of Common Destiny” is deeply rooted in the people’s minds. However, the international situation is becoming more complicated day after day; instability and uncertainty are also increasing. China has entered a stage of high-quality development with huge advantages of the state system: improved management efficiency, a developed economy in the long term, a solid material base, social stability, as well as many advantages and opportunities for further development. But the problem of unevenness and underdevelopment of China is still relevant. The author analyzes in details the Chinese development model of the new decade and explains possibilities of its application in other states.

Author Biography

U. Fedorenko, Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service

 Postgraduate at the Department of International Relations and Law


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